Contents Issue No. 11
Studies on Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and His Thought
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Perspective on Social Justice and Fairness
Hsieh Chen-Yu
The Relationship between Dr. Sun's Thought "Knowing is Difficult; Doing is Easy"
and the Book of Change
Sun Jyan-Chou & Kao Shi-Ching
Dr. Sun's Thought on "Equalization of Land Ownership and Land Belonging to Country"
Tseng Yu-Yu
Overseas Chinese, Racial Politics and the Interaction with China Policy
Su Chia-Hung
Studying on the Principle of Livelihood in Globalization Era
Sun Chi-Pen
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen's Principles of Foreign Policy Revisited
Hu Sheng-Ping
Sun's Concept of Commonwealth: Reality and Prospect
Liu Shia Ling
Dr. Sun is a Creator of "New China" Movement
Liu Shwei-Jau
Reconsider Dr. Sun's "Economic Implementation"
Lu Sing-Lung
Discuss on Dr. Sun's "Capital Limitation" and the Thought of Social Development
Fan Wei-Kao
Influence on Sun's Revolutionary Career from Tswei-Heng Village
Lee Pao-Sing
Culture and Art Forum
Prehistoric Mammalian and Human Fossils of Taiwan Land Bridge During the Late Pleistocene
Ho Chuan-Kun
How Many Years Did Early Humans Go Out of Africa?
Li Hui & Liu Yang-Fan
Analyzing and Appreciating Chinese Jade
Lyou Yang-Shou
Discuss on Female Artists of the Latin Americas
Pedro Tseng
Art Literate-Record on Traveling in Paris Art Village
Ju Jen-Nan
Standing Up for Art
Pang Jun
Studying on Cornelian
Chen Jin
Flower Blossom in Chun Shan Hall
Lin Yen Chu
Academic Bulletin
The Report on the 4th Sunnology and Modern China Symposium
Liu Be-Rung
Sunnology and Modern Society:Symposium Record on Management Science Affairs
and Its Application
Liu Be-Rung
Record on Sunnology and National Development Symposium
Denise Lin
Record on the 6th Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and Modern China Symposium
Liu Be-Rung
Activities on Commemoration of Dr. Sun's 78th Date of Demise
Peng Ting-Ting
Exhibition and Performance Information
Record on Tour Exhibition in Wan-Ching Park of Singapore
Kao Li-Fang
Six Great Exhibition Organized by Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
Peng Ting-Ting
Greeting Spring in Chun Shan Hall
Ping Ting-Ting
Display on Famous Chinese Painters from Hei-Long Province
Peng Ting-Ting
The Opening of Lakeside Service Center and Weekend Art Feast
Chung Chih Chuan
Follow Great Mentor's Footprints-Special Display on Old Site's of Wuhan National
Government Memorial Hall
Kao Li-Fang
Visiting Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Halls Around the World
Conserved Files Regarding Yamada Yoshimasa and Yamada Jusanron in Japan's Aiji University
Liu Be-Rung
Essay Wanted