嶺南畫派作品題材多寫風物,在國畫傳統基礎上,擷取西洋畫法,重視寫生訓練,創立逼近自然、用筆酣暢的特色。放眼台灣當代,外師大自然造化,內得「天地與我並生,萬物與我為一」之心源且光前啟後的代表藝術家,黃磊生教授應當之無愧。黃教授1928年出生於廣東臺山,髫齡即雅愛書畫,浸淫古典名藉之中;青年時入嶺南美術學校,從一代宗師趙少昂習畫,深得大師真傳。1949年寓居香港,擔任港九各大書院美術教席,不惟專注於創作,尤其對弘揚國畫不遺餘力,並於1957年榮獲日本「亞洲青年畫展」水墨畫首獎及美國「費里斯曼」藝術獎金之肯定。Chinese Painting has been developed for more than thousand years and Lingnan School is the most representative of all schools of Chinese Painting throughout history. The paintings of Lingnan School focus on skills to present landscape and Professor Huang Lei-sheng is the most representative among contemporary Lingnan artists. Professor Huang was born in Taisun County, Canton Province of China in 1928. He was fond of painting since he was very young, and he enrolled in Lingnan Art School and began to study painting with Lingnan School’s best-known master, Chao Shano-ang. This book includes his works exhibited at “Master Huang Lei-sheng 80 Year-old Ink Color Exhibition” to allow interested readers to appreciate Professor Huang’s works more easily.