本館在教育部「發展新移民文化」計畫指導下,以「牽手.學習.在台灣,文化.交流.一家親」為主軸,辦理多元文化交流及教育成果展示活動,特與駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處、華僑協會總會、中印尼文化經濟協會、印尼歸僑協會等單位共同舉辦「2008印尼民俗畫家展暨傳統歌舞表演活動」,共計邀請3位畫家約46件畫作參與展出,參展畫家均為印尼知名之藝術創作者,畫作用色鮮明不俗,線條柔和、溫暖,透露典雅高尚的氣息;同時構圖奇特,富有想像力和震撼力,引人入勝,充分呈現印尼文化之特色。In recent years, more and more Taiwanese men were getting married with foreign women from Southeast Asia and Mainland China. In order to make these new Taiwanese spouses to fit into our society easily, it is necessary to increase mutual understanding between Taiwanese and foreign cultures. This album collects artworks from “2008 Indonesia Folk Painters’ Painting Exhibition,” and it is valuable in assisting both Taiwanese and other foreigners to understand Indonesian culture somehow from these artworks. There are 46 works from four artists exhibited and collected in this album.