National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall co-hosted the children’s day celebration event with National Taiwan University Children’s Hospital today (March 25) for the first time. “Love Our Children, Happy Children’s Day” invited the young street performer Bai Xin-yu to sing, the justice of the peace in Australia Huang Xin-kai to do the magic tricks, and the balloon artist Liao Yu-min to give the balloon performance. The gifts for Children’s Day are given to the children on the scene of the event.
This time, the event took place at NTU Children’s Hospital. Superintendent of NTU Hospital, Chen Shi-chi, and Deputy Director-general of National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Yang Tong-hui, gave their speeches and pointed out:
Superintendent Chen first showed his gratitude to National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall for bringing the abundant programs and valuable gifts. Children usually don’t like to go to the hospital because it means having an injection and taking medicine, that is, the bad memories. However, we hope the children to have the prospect and make their life plans as feeling not well is just a short period of time. NTU Children’s hospital has the precision instruments and medical teams. The children can receive the good treatment at NTU Hospital and recover soon. Happy Children’s Day to every child!
Deputy Director-general, Yang Tong-hui, said that before Children’s Day, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall specially presented a series of programs suitable for children, including the big sister’ singing and the big brothers’ doing magic tricks and giving balloon performance. The great performing contents can relieve the children’s discomfort. With energy, they can recover soon.
Deputy Director-general, Yang Tong-hui, added that National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial has many exhibition rooms and an auditorium, where a variety of exhibitions and performances take place, for example, the recent exhibition “A Date with Master: Fu Sheng Sixty-Year Ink Painting Retrospective Exhibition” and the Lantern Festival lighting event. These events will attract more visitors to the hall. Today, it’s the first performance for National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall to walk out to celebrate Children’s Day. It is hoped to bring a beautiful memory to the children coming to NTU Children’s Hospital as well as to market the brand of National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall so that people will have more knowledge about the hall. The next performance is expected to take place at Fu Jen University Hospital on March 28. In the future, if there is the chance, we hope to host the events of different types, such as the event to show concern for the elders, so that the public of different ages can have the chance to get close to art.