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Guo Xian-lun《Magnificent Landscape》

In the process of creation, the painter sketches with calligraphy, attempting to manifest the charms of the landscapes in the scenes of mountains, water, and fauna and flora through strong and solid features to convey the beauty of modesty after broadening the horizons through the splendid writings of the mountains and rivers.(Clear Profoundness in Tranquility: Guo Xian-lun 75 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition at Yat-Sen Gallery from January 26 to February 4)

In the process of creation, the painter sketches with calligraphy, attempting to manifest the charms of the landscapes in the scenes of mountains, water, and fauna and flora through strong and solid features to convey the beauty of modesty after broadening the horizons through the splendid writings of the mountains and rivers.
(Clear Profoundness in Tranquility: Guo Xian-lun 75 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition at Yat-Sen Gallery from January 26 to February 4)