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National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall “2023 Chungshan Youth Art Awards Traveling Exhibition” at Hualien Art Museum

     National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau jointly organize “2023 Chungshan Youth Art Awards Traveling Exhibition” at Hualien Art Museum. The opening ceremony was held at 10:30AM today (March 12). A total of 24 selected works from the three groups, ink painting, calligraphy, and oil painting, are exhibited.

     Starting from 2016, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall has held “Chungshan Youth Art Awards” for eight years and extended “National Youth Students Painting and Calligraphy Competition,” which was held for 38 times from 1973 to 2011. The competition has cultivated many famous calligraphy and painting masters and fine arts professors at home and abroad. To encourage the young generation to engage in art creation, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall has adhered to the mission since establishment to encourage the creative development of young artists, pass on cultural heritage, and make cultural undertakings shine.

     Director Wu Chin-Yi of Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau expressed gratitude to National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall for holding the exhibition in Hualien regardless of the earthquake. It is heartwarming to bring the young artists’ works of calligraphy, ink painting, and oil painting to Hualien for the art and cultural exchanges with local artists and citizens. He said, “The disaster-stricken areas in Hualien are undergoing post-disaster reconstruction, but the other areas are not affected. Welcome to visit Hualien and support the reconstruction of Hualien. According to Prof. Lin Chun-chen on behalf of the jury, art can soothe people’s hearts. He suggested that the Cultural Affairs Bureau organize more related art and cultural events, which will be of great help to lift people’s morale after the disaster.

     The competition of “Chungshan Youth Art Awards” encourages the creative development of the young artists aged from 20 to 45. The works are divided into three groups: ink painting, calligraphy, and oil painting. The 37 winners are selected after the preliminary and secondary reviews, including 13 works of ink painting, 12 works of calligraphy, and 12 works of oil painting. Each group gives the Chungshan Award (first place), second place, third place, honorable mention awards, and judges’ awards. This year, the three Chungshan Award winners are Zeng Ting-yu of the ink painting group, Ye Zong-he of the calligraphy group, and Liao Min-ru of the oil painting group. Each winner will be given NT$300,000 and one trophy. The second place and third place of each group will respectively win NT$100,000 and NT$50,000. Besides, each group has 5 honorable mention award winners, and each of them is given NT$10,000. Each winner of the judges’ award will win NT$5,000. Culture needs new life and new blood. To encourage the young generation to engage in art creation, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall adheres to the important mission since establishment and continues to hold Chungshan Youth Art Awards.

     “2023 Chungshan Youth Art Awards Traveling Exhibition” will be grandly held at the exhibition hall on the first floor of Hualien Art Museum from April 10 to May 5, 2024, exhibiting 24 selected winning works. For more information, please visit the websites of Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau,, and National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall,, or call the service counter of the cultural center, (03)822-7121.