

  • 大地情─張秋台七十回顧展
    出版日期: 2008-08-01
    出版社: 國立國父紀念館
    作者: 張秋台
    語文: 中、英文
    內容分類: 圖書
    價格: NTD 1000元
    ISBN/ISSN: 9789860150629
    GPN: 1009702080
    頁數: 152
    裝訂: 30.5X21.5公分精裝
    關鍵字: 張秋台七十回顧展
    性質分類: 水彩
  • 長期奉獻教育的張秋台校長是一位「教育即生活」的實踐者,五十餘年對教育無悔的付出,作育英才無數,是實至名歸的教育家。張校長出身苗栗客家村,以硬頸精神,刻苦自勵。自苗栗縣同光國小退休後,筆耕更勤,迭有佳作,更難能可貴的是每一幅作品都根植於對這塊土地的愛,真摯的情感令觀者動容。英文內容大要: Mr. Chang Chiu-tai, a retired school principal, has dedicated himself to the elementary education for more than 50 years. He comes from a Hakka village in Miaoli and worked his way through collect with perseverance. After his retirement, he spent a lot of time on painting and has finished many good works. His works all focus on his love toward the land and many of his works present daily life of farmers. “Love for the Land – 70-year-old retrospective Exhibition of Chang Chiu-tai” is held to salute Mr. Chang’s achievement in painting; furthermore, it is also meant to recall people’s love for the land. This album collects Mr. Chang’s exhibited artworks and it should be treasured by readers who love his works.