李友邦將軍,是台灣歷史的榮耀,是一位正直的利他主義者,他短暫的一生,留下令人難忘的永恆印象。李友邦將軍生逢沙場、死別冤獄,這半生魂縈夢繫; 一個世紀以來,其家族靠自己的雙手及努力,拓墾興家,以堅毅不拔的人文意志、走出政治迫害的陰霾,見證臺灣歷史。我們出版李友邦先生的政治主張及論述、舉辦學術研討會、保存古蹟,因為我們相信,歷史終究會還真相一個公道。事實也證明,隨著政治解嚴及民主進步,李友邦先生的事蹟逐漸被披露,政治上受到尊敬,學術上受到重視。Mr. Lee Yu-pang was a descent of renowned family in Luzhou. He dedicated his efforts to the progress of Taiwan and devoted his life to fighting against Japanese imperialism; he was a passionate and selfless patriot. However, he was falsely accused of treason and executed at his 46. Since then, Yan Hsiu-feng, meeting and married to Mr. Lee during the wartime, made all her efforts to reinstate the historical justice due to General Lee Yu-pang. This booklet is consisting of the background of Mr. Lee’s family, the description of Mr. and Mrs. Lee’s participation in activities against Japanese invasion, the depiction of false accusing leading to General Lee’s execution and reinstatement of the historical justice, and the introduction to structure and significance of the Luzhou Lee Residence. The booklet is published in hope of extending General Lee’s spirit to the young students, so that the future children of Taiwan may have the courage to face up to their own environment and themselves.